Warner Robins, Ga.-Spring was in the air on this glorious Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017. The weather was perfect for a day of fellowship and family outings. Southside Baptist Church’s Easter Sunday Service highlighted the importance of this day. Greeters welcomed churchgoers upon entrance with a hello, a handshake, or a hug. There was much fellowshipping throughout the lobby, and complimentary coffee and doughnuts were readily available. Church-goers dressed in the traditional Easter attire of pastels adorned the halls of the sanctuary. Everyone embraced the theme of Easter, from the young to the old and even the newborn babies, who stole the show.
The church handed bulletins as attendees congregated for worship services. The announcement gave insight on the numerous services that Southside Baptist offers. Services such as “Life Groups” that cover all different stages of life, “Celebrate Recovery” which is a 12-step program based on the teachings of Jesus, and the various programs for kids and young adults. The programs for children included “Awali Land”, “252 Kids”, “Ignition”, and “Collide”.
The program began with Southside’s Band performing an uplifting rendition of David Crowder’s “Lift Your Head Weary Sinner.” The ensemble gave an excellent performance backed by impressive background lighting effects. Following the musical procession, the church performed baptisms. Pastor Jerry Walls proceeded with the morning worship with a message of theories and beliefs of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pastor Walls spoke about his family and how much he enjoys Easter, which is his second favorite holiday following Christmas. Pastor Walls continued a three-week epilog which included the seven last statements Jesus made before his demise. The service concluded with prayer and offerings.
For more information about Southside Baptist Church visit their website.
Or call 478.953.9388
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