Middle Georgia business owner makes life sweeter

Warner Robins native Crissy Marie Parks is the owner of Sweet Creations by Crissy, a home-based bakery in Macon where she bakes custom cakes, creates sweet treats, and designs candy table and decorations for events ranging from weddings and birthday parties to retirements and graduation celebrations. Crissy has been baking for at least twenty-three years. …

Tap and Pour is tapping craft beers in Warner Robins

Craft beer pubs are popping up like wildflowers around Middle Georgia, and they are becoming popular spots for social gatherings. As with many brewpubs, Tap and Pour in Warner Robins offers a variety of select craft beers from stouts and pilsners to ales, porters, and lagers. Among their 40-plus beers on tap, they feature many …

American Legion hosts free dances and lessons

Looking for a way to meet new people, but not into the downtown scene? Interested in finding a fun new way to get exercise? Enjoy dancing, but wishing you could brush up on your skills? Look no further. The American Legion Post 3 on Thomaston Road in Macon sponsors free dancing, including lessons in different …

Home Port battles veteran homelessness

One afternoon in September of 2015, Maj. George Brown, retired from the United States Marine Corps, received a horrific call. On the other end was the daughter of a fellow friend and Marine. Through her hysterical cries she was barely able to tell George that her father had just shot himself and his body was …