Local Doulas host Climb out of the Darkness event

Local birth doulas Britney Mims Asbell and Cristiana Fischer have united to host Macon’s Climb Out of the Darkness fundraiser on Saturday, June 23rd, 2018, at 10:00am, at the Ocmulgee National Monument in Macon, Georgia. Both Britney and Cristiana assist with childbirths for Middle Georgia families, and their dedication to women’s postpartum mental health is …

Retired Macon principal invites everyone to join mission to help children

Guest post by Shana Burton When your middle name is literally Champion, you don’t accept failure as an option. It is a creed that was instilled in retired Bibb County principal Myrtice Champion Johnson as a child, and one she lives up to today. Johnson, who was born the eleventh of twelve children on a …

Is charcoal teeth whitening the right choice for you?

Guest article by Shelia Shah If you notice some discoloration in your teeth, the likelihood is you’re not alone. Discoloration and staining are extremely common, since many foods and drinks have pigment that can stain our teeth. Our teeth also naturally become discolored over time. Despite it being a natural process, we can’t help but …

Some higher risk patients should see their dentist more frequently

Guest article by Shelia Shah, DMD There are several conditions and circumstances that may require seeing your dentist more frequently than one time per year. Below is a bit of information on who should speak with a dentist about scheduling appointments more often. Diabetics – Because diabetics are at higher risk for developing problems like …

Middle Georgia Family Rehab offer physical, occupational therapy

Brenda Hicks is a nurse by trade. She has been in nursing for over 20 years. Geriatrics, also known as elder care management or aging life care, is her specialty. She was well-regarded as an excellent nurse, and her reputation led a friend of hers to ask for Brenda’s assistance in opening a private therapy …

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month

Guest article by Sheila Shah, DMD A smile is meant to last a lifetime. Taking the time to teach your child proper oral care is actually an investment that can pay lifelong dividends. Lessons for good oral care should begin when a child is still very young. Parents sometimes fail to recognize the value of …

Even though “legal”, users of medical cannabis still face many difficulties

Article submitted with names withheld. Special thanks to State Representative Allen Peake for helping us obtain this story. We are the parents of a child with a severe seizure disorder, and since 2013 we have been fighting alongside the most amazing families for access to medical cannabis. Four legislative sessions later, two bills have passed …

A few tips can help you meet your fitness goals

Guest article by Mista Martel, a local actor, writer, producer, entrepreneur and fitness enthusiast. Health and fitness are two of the most common New Year’s goals. But these days, life moves at a very fast speed, and best laid plans are quickly left behind. The rush of modern life has already given rise to many …

Middle Georgia doula helps expectant, new mothers

Britney Asbell is a birth doula. “Doula” is a word of Greek origin, meaning a servant woman. But a birth doula is more than a mere servant. The modern doula is an American creation, born of the changes in childbirth practices that proliferated during the 1960s and 1970s, as mothers became conscious, active participants in …

When should your child see an orthodontist?

Guest post by Dr. Ched Smaha Did you know that the American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children see an orthodontist by the time they are 7 years old? Yes, that means that your child should have an orthodontic exam while they still have some of their baby teeth. While children should also have routine …